Spinning the money wheel…
It’s been a long time without an update, so it’s time to deliver something new.
In the Goldenrod City Game Corner, which recently received a renovation, there’s a new game!

Put down a some of your money, and get coins. A bit devious, isn’t it? But, you have to be lucky! In the screenshots above, the player can put down 500 yen in a game of chance.

There are numerous outcomes dependent on chance. If you are unlucky enough to get “Bankrupt” (which happens often) then you’ll lose your bet. If you get a “no bonus”, you don’t lose your money. If you get any coins out of this, you still lose your bet but you get some coins out of it. On the table in the screenshot above, you can get 50 coins, but…
If you’re lucky, you can get up to 250 coins! …on this particular table only, that is.

There are different tables that bet different amounts. Perhaps you can fill your coin case much more easily?
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.