Pokémon Anniversary Red adds ton of new content to the first gen Pokémon games.
Enjoy new and enhanced features, such as being able to capture all 151 Pokémon, increased difficulty, the newly created Battle Tent, mysterious new dungeons, and unique events created specifically for this version.
All 151 Pokémon are catchable in this game. No evolution required!
Take on new challenges and new dungeons.
Adds some originally cut content: the ability to play as a female trainer.
Download the source here: https://github.com/TwitchPlaysPokemon/pokemonAnniversaryRed This is a ROM hack based off of Red 151. Current Version is 4.7.3.
EDIT: Links to our old site no longer work. You can now find Anniversary Red downloads at our project page here!
EDIT: Links to our old site no longer work. You can now find Anniversary Red downloads at our project page here
24 March 2015
Pokémon Red
IPS Patch
An ambitious retelling of Pokémon Crystal with expanded mechanics, new AI and many unexpected twists!
20 years after the events of Pokémon Brown, much has changed in the land of Rijon…
Experience the expansion we always wanted – new Pokémon, expanded fields, and more!
Made with love for the community.
We do not claim ownership of any IP, all content is copyright their original owners.
No content is hosted or distributed on this website, only a file-patcher that runs within your browser to modify existing files.