You are challenged by Gym Leader Miis!
The one thing I hate about Miis are the lack of exotic/unusual hairstyles (and anime hair colours). Oh well. Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
A Pokémon Trainer named Brown, born and raised in Rijon’s Seashore City, battled his rival Mura from the same town to become the champion of Rijon. Twenty years have passed since that day, where their own children may wind up paralleling the journey all over again…
The World of Rijon arrives in Pokémon FireRed. Pushing the limits of binary hacking at the time, Pokémon rijonAdventures is the only Generation III game in the series. It features the new and expanded world of Rijon, new music and all Generation III Pokémon.
See everything that's changed in the last 20 years. See expanded areas, new characters and features!
Get letters from other characters with the new Rijon Postal Service.
Encounter Pokémon from the first three generations spread across the region.
This game is in beta and has not had a release since 2009. It is unlikely to receive further development from RainbowDevs. We are hosting it to give it a home with the other games in the Rijon series. The game is playable, but please do not report bugs to us.
This is the last-known release version of the game. It has been beta tested and is known to be stable. If you are unsure which version to use, get this one.
This is the latest version of the game ever released. It has a lot more story content and revamped areas, but has not been beta tested and is known to be unstable.
The one thing I hate about Miis are the lack of exotic/unusual hairstyles (and anime hair colours). Oh well. Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
News: rijonAdventures is not dead. Now onto updates you might not actually be interested in: So apparently I haven’t been doing enough to curb SPAM, so instead you get this picture to feast on rather than look at ads of crap that nobody wants. Hope to set up a...
Don’t ask. Just put some strawberries in a blender, add milk, add clockworks and have fun. 🙂 Watch out for the eventual rijonAdventures beta at some point of which I haven’t actually thought about the date for and its obscure references to this monumental day. Originally posted on the...
Do you like what I see? That’s all you’ll see of it… for now. Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
This weird error surfaced in rijonAdventures and I need to get it fixed. But yeah, that’s a known glitch for you all to know. 😛 To multi-select Pokémon in a box, you press the SELECT button to change the cursor into quick select mode. You then press and hold...
2009 Beta 2 (Release)
2015 In-Dev (Developer)
12 January 2009 (Release)
2015 (Developer)
Pokémon FireRed
UPS Patch
Really catch them all in this new retelling of Pokémon Red, including an expanded Pokédex, new battles and new areas to explore!
Explore the brand new region of Naljo in an epic story across multiple regions!
An ambitious retelling of Pokémon Crystal with expanded mechanics, new AI and many unexpected twists!
Made with love for the community.
We do not claim ownership of any IP, all content is copyright their original owners.
No content is hosted or distributed on this website, only a file-patcher that runs within your browser to modify existing files.