Year: 2024

Release: Pokémon Brown 6.0.1

The first hotfix of Pokémon Brown 20th Anniversary Edition!

We want to thank everyone who submitted bug reports via our form, and a special shoutout to our Discord community! This update includes 22 bug fixes and some other adjustments. We are also working on a small feature update that adds in some things that we didn’t have time for in the original release, so look out for that!

Changelog: Version 6.0.1

All the changes in the Pokémon Brown 6.0.1 Hotfix release.

Release: Pokémon Brown 20th Anniversary Edition

Twenty years ago, the first complete Pokémon Red mod to completely change the region and story was released. Since then, it has inspired thousands of creative visions, beautiful games, and kickstarted hundreds of careers. Today, we give the game its biggest update ever, and the love and care it deserves. Play the classic that started it all.

Changelog: Version 6.0

Click here to view the full changelog of Pokémon Brown 20th Anniversary Edition. Be warned, there are a lot of changes!

Any last words?

Wonderful moment caught in the upcoming Pokémon Brown update by one of our beta testers!

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Happy Pride Month!

From Hector and Phillip Ilk. 🏳️‍🌈

Fly with your Pokémon!

Preview time! When you fly in the upcoming Pokémon Brown update, the sprite is actually your Pokémon.

We’re still in advanced testing: old-school binary hacks require a lot more testing and rebuilds than modern disassembly hacks, and we are all about polish. Thank you all for your patience! We’ll let you know when it’s ready as soon as we can.

Pokémon Brown testing is going quite swell…

Pokémon Brown advanced testing is well underway! This game is 20 years old and is still an old-school binary hack, so there are a lot of weird quirks we are discovering (like this funny sprite glitch!). We don’t have an ETA as yet, but it is soon™!

PSA: Pokémon Prism on cartridge

Are you thinking of purchasing Pokémon Prism on a cartridge? Please read this advice while considering!

RainbowDevs does not and will never sell Prism on a Game Boy cartridge/Game Pak, and companies that do are doing so without our consent or endorsement. Prism is available for free to download online, and money from cart sales will go to these companies and not to us.

We can’t guarantee that the carts will be bug-free or up-to-date, and they may exhibit problems that have since been fixed or behaviour that is not present at all in-game. This is up to and including softlocks and save data loss. We will not be issuing updates to fix bugs on cartridges that have been produced without our consent.

If you’d like to play Prism on real hardware, you absolutely can! You can look at flash carts like the Everdrive or others. These are Game Paks with an SD-card slot that allow you to load and update ROMs from your computer. There are also other, third-party consoles that allow you to insert an SD-card directly into the device to play Prism that way.

Pokémon Prism releases are open source, meaning that anyone can do anything they want with the code. We have no recourse to stop the game being produced or purchased on a physical Game Pak, cartridge or preloaded onto gaming hardware. We are not asking for anyone to report these products to us or anyone else. We are also not specifically advising against purchase. This post is to just inform prospective buyers of the risks involved when purchasing these products so they are able to make an informed choice.

As always, thank you for playing!

Happy 20th Birthday Pokémon Brown!

A few days ago, Pokémon Brown turned 20 years old.

To celebrate, here is, for the first time, some video from the upcoming update!

Here you’ll see all-new features, such as an EXP bar, gender indicators, refreshed battle UI, new sprites and even more.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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