Month: March 2008

What is the Rijon region?

Map of the Rijon region

To those new to the Rijon Trilogy, you probably don’t know what the region of Rijon is.

Rijon first appears in Pokémon Brown. It consists of numerous cities. First, you probably should know where you start—Seashore City. Seashore is one of the cities in the southwest area of Rijon, known for many mountains and caves. Many cities and forests the west to the east areas of Rijon. The eastern area is particularly known for Castro Valley, which is a harbor town. The southern area of Rijon consists of the sea and nothing more.

Geographically in the Rijon Trilogy canon, Rijon is located south of Johto; there is a small island in Johto which connects to the region. West of Rijon is the Naljo region, which is featured in Pokémon Prism. And new to rijonAdventures is South Rijon, which is south of the Rijon region, accessible from Merson City.

There are a lot of things in Rijon that I’ll detail in later entries. Stay tuned!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Pokémon Mart stock

A trainer always goes from every town to get items. However, what if you backtrack to a town and their items are not really what you’re looking for? Actually, it happens all the time.

Is this mart really all that useful? In rijonAdventures, the answer is yes.

So, what’s funny is, that I thought of this idea before I saw it actually happening in Diamond and Pearl (honest!) but I never actually went into implementing it. That is, the marts are expanding their stock for every Gym you beat!

Ever changing stock. More added?!

That’s basically it. As you get a badge, you’re valued more as a Trainer, so of course, you’re going to have access to more items.

But wait, is that another guy at the counter there? Now, this is an idea I borrowed from Diamond and Pearl.

What to buy? Different things!

Basically, most towns will also sell local specialities (mostly mail). There’s also one town that sells an imported good from a town somewhere in Hoenn…

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The original screenshots in this blog post have been lost. They have been recreated based on the surviving text.

Merson City Hot Springs

Let’s face it; no Japanese-style hotel (in Merson City!) is complete without hot springs! And there’s one way to get into them; through the Hotel! This area is not available in the public beta. There’s a small oversight that may allow you to access the exterior suites and the spas, but this may lead to a game-ending glitch. It has been corrected in a small beta rerelease which you can download in the Downloads section.

Archivist’s note: Sorry, we currently do not have a copy of this release.

Access through the old man in the Hotel once you’ve gotten to a certain point.
The old lady lets you into the spring. It’s an old lady because old ladies are more responsible, obviously.
Aaaaaaah. Relaxing!

You may accidentally smash into the women’s spa by a not-so-obvious means (or if you’re a girl player, vice versa). If you’re a boy, you’re invading the privacy of numerous women, so your appearance is not so welcome.

Your exit won’t be so easy.

That’s just morally wrong, but oh so comedic.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The original screenshots in this blog post have been lost. They have been recreated based on the surviving text.

Beta testing program

From March 13 to March 26 at the PokéCommunity, I was looking for six beta testers to look for errors in rijonAdventures. Needless to say, that program is now closed.

A second round will open close to the game’s final release.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. Parts of the original PokéCommunity thread have since been deleted, so the archived version as existed at the time of the post has been linked instead. The specific forum post this blog post is referring to can be found here.

Beginning! Seashore City!

This area is accessible in the beta already. I’m sure you all know that. But, there might be a few things you don’t know about the town.

Seashore is the down you start out at. There are all sorts of places worth visiting here, though there are more outside, of course!

The sign tells you where you are…
There’s more places here.
Did you know there’s a gym here?

I won’t go into too much detail about the places you can already visit in the beta, though. Soon, I’ll be talking about the new areas!

But first, there’s one more thing I should talk about for the day.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

The story

Dear Journal,
It’s finally the day I tour the region of Rijon. I’ve been looking forward to this day for many years.

It’s been twenty years since my dad fought in a battle with who was once his toughest adversary for Rijon’s champion title. The two are now the best of friends.

And from today, I’ll be the one embarking on a big journey for which I’m sure to enjoy. As I walk through it, I hope to meet lots of new friends. Those friends may help me reach my sole aspiration – becoming the Pokémon League Champion!

That may mean though, that I will not write in my journal. Without a doubt, though, I’ll have lots of things to write about when this journey comes to an end!

So here’s to a great adventure!

So, you’ve been playing with the Wii on the morning you’re going to go. Get off your bum and start moving!
Hail the green directions. They tell all.

So, the story’s quite… normal, I guess. It’s not going to be so simple as the game goes by, (because you won’t be collecting just eight badges). But, that’s all to be detailed later!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

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