Author: Kip

When things go wrong

Just went crazy trying to figure out why the Download buttons for each page didn’t show up. Fortunately, it’s working fine now. I’m going to start adding a download button to posts now, so if there’s a new beta or something, you can download it without navigating to each page.

Speaking of downloads, rijonAdventures was meant to be released around a month after Prism, so I may consider releasing the rijonAdventures beta a month after Prism’s upcoming beta release. Hmm.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Play your own hack, and see others do it

So, I’ve added quite a bit of stuff to rijonAdventures since the early 2009 beta. A year ago I said, “Rijon is finished, time to move onto South Rijon”, but oh was I wrong. So many little things to fix and add, text inconsistencies to iron out, high school, uni, uni, and so many annoying little things that I did that just look bad.

Yes, reviewing how your own hack looks and works is a good idea. But a good hack doesn’t just start from my own assessment of my game – it depends on what others say about it.

So I’ve been stalking the “Let’s Play” videos on YouTube. Found this guy:

(I hope he realised he needs to fix that save error. Methinks I need to make it more obvious. And another thing: I realise it’s a year old.)

I also stumbled across this video of Brown from the same person. Orangeylicious!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Prism News!



Confirmed, 100% true. etc. Yes folks, the new Prism finally has CONFIRMED dates that I will not change. You have my word.

I will choose beta testers. The sure way to NOT become a beta tester is to ask me.

On the day of the release, I will be on PC all day fixing glitches if people discover them and constantly posting updates. I’m tackling on brand new concepts for the Pokemon world, so it wouldn’t surprise me if there are glitches. These are things that have never been done before, so look forward to that too!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Elite Four’s Zeke

So some people saw this in my avatar at The PokéCommunity and wondered who I drew here. (It’s not illustrated by Signomi, but rather, it’s been coloured by her!)

And if you’ve played rijonAdventures, you will have seen “Zeke” within the game as the fourth Elite Four member!

Zeke is meant to be more of the “geek” character, and as such, if you know what’s printed on his shirt, you’re in-the-know and you’re awesome. I planned to make him a bit more of a geek by giving him a BlackBerry phone, but I realised I liked this idea better.

Anyone who’s battled him already will know he has no specific choice on Pokémon types. I really need to put him in more parts of the game, I guess. I was meaning to post this artwork eventually.

… and that’s all for today. 😛

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Screenshots? What that?

I just realised something unfortunate: the lack of screenshots of anything here. But no worries! Curing the curious illness of missing screenshots, I’ll post some rijonAdventures ones to keep everyone a little updated on what’s been happening.

Lots of map updates. I’ll go through the first: I decided to throw out the original design of Origal Maze for something a bit bigger in scale. It’s still retaining that name (though I’m considering using route numbers) but it’s very, very different.

The second screenshot shows that I’ve changed the west of a certain route. But, I’ll leave that for later.

Oh, and finally, here’s a train station.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

We’re back!

EDIT: The release here is an unstable in-dev release not intended for serious gameplay. For the last-known stable version of the game, please head over to the game page.

Boy did we look bad, huh? We needed a design refresh (because the layout was… eaten by an update) and so we’ve got one! It’s based off the layout I made for Delicious Rocket though I don’t think the layout looks as good without the awesome bokeh effect, but I really am overusing that.

So, what’s new?

  • Pokémon: rijonAdventures has a new version release with lots of stuff in it, but it also has lots of bugs. Why? Because it’s the direct copy I’ve been working on. You have yourself a grade A developers’ copy (which is dangerous!) And, I’ve been refining it to make it better all the way through, but you won’t see those refinements yet! More awesome stuff about that soon, but you can grab the unstable copy here.
  • Koolboyman is planning to start a private beta test for Pokémon Prism around June for the existing test group (but no promises!) Hopefully, I can get him to actually start posting here more often.
  • The rijonWorld forums are coming back with single sign on with WordPress soon, but I’m currently working things out. Yeah, the wiki idea didn’t quite work out.

Oh, and the layout’s currently under construction. How’s it look?

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Pokemon Prism [Final Version Released] (April Fools)

Well dudes and dudettes, it’s the moment you’ve all waited for. Pokemon Prism is done and you can download it right now. Remember that you must start a new game since old prism sav files will not be compatible with this version. I have to finish the rest of my homework, so I’ll make a fancier thread later. Just download the attachment below and be on your way. Oh yeah, and learn how to patch ROM’s while you’re at it.

Originally posted PokéCommunity. Post link. We do not currently have a copy of the April Fools release – if you have one, please get in touch!

Another observation: playable character

This post is my observation on the playable character, NPCs, and the camera. Awesome stuff if you’re interested. Otherwise, nothing to see here.

Continue reading

I honest have not tested this idea and I’m not even sure it’s going to work at all. Nevertheless, the Advance games present something curious and unused: the sprite behaviour 0×0B. You might wonder what’s so interesting about it, and let’s explain it. 0×0B, whenever the screen fades (often from exiting a menu – I haven’t actually checked if the XSE “fadescreen” command triggers it as well) the first person shifts from the hero to whatever sprite has this behaviour set to them provided that they’re on the screen.

Also, remember that “camera” command (“special 0×113″)? I believe that all it really does is, similar to what 0×0B does, shifts what the “camera” focuses on (to an invisible sprite, turning the hero into an NPC with the index 0xFF) and when people execute an applymovement command to 0×7F (which controls this original sprite) the screen moves too. (Question: does 0×7F exist only when the camera is activated?) And because sprite 0×7F can be treated like any other sprite, you can apply something as funky as a movesprite command to it. (Don’t attempt to hide 0×7F when the camera is activated, nor attempt to hide 0xFF when the player is in control of the camera. Something… funny will happen.)

Using the movesprite command on 0×7F as I mentioned above, in conjunction with the applymovement command 0×7F, you could effectively pan the camera along the level. 3D Zelda-style area overviews, anyone?

By the way, since the playable character has no script assigned to him/her, the game will crash when whatever’s being controlled attempts to talk to the player. I gotta wonder if there’s actually a way to give 0xFF a script.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

RNG and weather

This is certainly not an original idea. In fact, it’s something that I’ve seen long before – the first person to demonstrate it of whose name I forget designed it for his hack, Pokémon Dirt Brown (which, mind you, actually has no relation to Pokémon Brown and never made it to the public… as the person had lost interest).

Using RNG, I’ve thought up a similar system. It might actually be the same as this one; I’ll never know since the hack never released. My system (which I actually wrote on paper but now the sheet’s disappeared) involves changing weather depending on certain variables to another weather condition. For example, if it’s sunny in a map at the moment, then there may be a small chance that the sky will become cloudy (and then, the area will seemingly dim) when the player enters another map. When the player enters another map, there’s a chance that it will start raining, or it will become clear again. (Perhaps the chance that it starts raining will be somewhat high.) Enter another map, and the rain will either clear instantaneously (low chance), the rain will stop and the map will return to a cloudy state (high chance), or, for the worst possible condition, a thunderstorm will occur (low, low chance).

Continue reading

Perhaps if structured out, the script would look like, though my sheet of paper did it better so this might not work:

Variables values reserved:
1 = normal, 2 = cloudy, 3 = rain, 4 = thunderstorm, 5 = light fog, 6 = thick fog, 7 = diagonal fog
(5, 6, and 7 will not be used in this sample structure.)

  • Perhaps I’ll keep in mind that, upon switching to a different map where ever the script is loaded:
  • If its currently sunny, 2/20 that it will be cloudy,  17/20 that it will remain sunny, and 1/20 determining that it will suddenly start raining.
  • If it’s cloudy, 5/20 chance that it will suddenly become sunny again, 2/10 that it will remain cloudy,  and 10/20 chance that it will suddenly rain. 3/20 chance that the player will be slapped with a thunderstorm.
  • If it’s currently raining, make a 3/20 chance that a thunderstorm will start, 7/20 that it will continue raining, 2/20 that the rain will cut out, and 8/20 that the rain will stop but the area remains cloudy.
  • Finally, if a thunderstorm has popped up, leave a 13/20 chance that it will reduce into rain again, 3/20 that it’ll quickly become cloudy,  and a 4/20 chance that it will continue as-is.

Due to how the script is formatted, if the player enters a map where the script isn’t already implemented, the conditions in the maps prior will remain. So, if I entered a house in the town where the script was, when I exit, the RNG magic will start again.

Main script

  • Check variable for weather condition set between maps
  • If variable = 1, go to RNG script 1 (sets conditions when normal)
  • If variable = 2, go to RNG script 2 (sets conditions when cloudy)
  • If variable = 3, go to RNG script 3 (sets conditions when raining)
  • If variable = 4, go to RNG script 4 (sets conditions during thunderstorm)

RNG script 1

  • Start RNG, set to 20 (is this meant to be an integer value?) and store into LASTRESULT.
  • Copy LASTRESULT to variable.
  • (Following the chances set above) If RNG returns 0 (treat as hex?), go to script that sets weather to cloudy.
  • If RNG returns 1, set to cloudy.
  • If RNG returns 2, run script that ends script without doing anything.
  • If RNG returns 3, do nothing.
  • If RNG returns 4, do nothing.

(the rest of the script would be rinse and repeat of RNGs and such, so it’s cut for brevity)

Wow, I just gave other hackers a tip. Maybe though, if I decide to actually embrace variables, this script could be made much more efficient than it is here. If anyone wants to give me tips, by all means comment.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Adios, The World of Rijon forums

It took its time – The World of Rijon Forums is now out of the picture. This spurred from a lack of motivation to keep it up-to-date and it wasn’t exactly active to begin with. But that’s not going to hold us back now, is it? Nope; look forward to a Pokémon ROM hacking Wiki in the future to replace it. (Couple that with vBulletin’s expensive licensing solutions and the situation gets expensive.)

If you need help with the Rijon trilogy, some options will remain available: the Wiki will have discussion areas for help with any hack available there (obviously, the Rijon series will be there too). Alternatively, the PokéCommunity Forums offer the Rijon Trilogy help thread, and threads for rijonAdventures, Brown and Prism.

And if that’s not enough, Commenting is enabled on our blog posts so that you can criticise every single move we do.

Thank you for your support of the Rijon trilogy, and we hope to see your activity in future efforts.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. Some of the PokéCommunity threads in this post have since been edited or deleted. For those, archive versions have been linked instead. We also do not have comments enabled on this blog any more!

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