Azalea Town

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
The original link in this post is outdated. For the latest guide on how to patch your game, click here.
There is a patching guide now available in the site’s Support and assistance section. This is used to primarily hard-patch rijonAdventures, though similar methods can be applied to any game that needs patching.
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
A bit of background first; I’ve never actually revealed much about the Elite Four, and while the beta testing team probably know their Pokémon, they don’t know exactly who they are or what they look like.
The Rijon Elite Four has changed significantly. The members are not the same Elite Four of Rijon that was shown in Brown, so it’s probably going to be nice to introduce some of you to one of the new members. I’ll only introduce two of them publicly, so the other two and their stories are going to remain a mystery for a while…
Marisa is the grand daughter of the Elite Four’s Agatha. Agatha herself was part of Rijon’s Elite Four (after leaving Kanto). As such, she has a similar preference of Ghost Pokémon to her grandmother. Marisa carries around a mask which she occasionally wears around in public.
She is the third member of Rijon’s current Elite Four.
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
Nicknamed “Karpman” in comparison to “Cartman” from South Park. His name is actually a pun of Magikarp. In rijonAdventures, a first name is revealed, but he’ll still be known by the name Karpman throughout most of the game. Everyone knows him by that nickname.
Lachlan is the first gym leader you encounter in Rijon. His gym is located in Merson City. You’ll find him to be a bit of a challenge depending on how well you’ve trained, and since his team consists of two water Pokémon, you might want to catch a Bellsprout if you picked Charmander as your starting Pokémon. Funny that, the Pokémon he uses in battle are very similar to the ones he used in Pokémon Brown…
Karpman’s not always in the gym. He trains on a beach sometimes and isn’t against a rematch with you. Even still, he’s not going to battle you with his so-called main team.
Hmm… I wonder what his main team even is…?
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
The third gym leader has only really appeared in the latest rijonAdventures beta, and his backstory isn’t really all that large. Scott is an eleven year old Pokémon trainer. Actually, no, he’s a Gym Leader of Jaeru City. And, despite his age, he’s more than just a Gym Leader.
Scott is an electrician, and works at all sorts of places. Though he’s seen with his retired father who tries to constantly tries to advise him how to work, he doesn’t need it. He’s that smart. And because he’s often doing small electrical jobs, you may not actually be able to get to his Gym (in the final version, of course).
Oh, and, as his trade is electric work, his favorite kinds of Pokémon are also of the electric-type.
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The original screenshot (assuming it was a screenshot, it may have been artwork) in this blog post has been lost. It has been recreated based on the surviving text.
To those new to the Rijon Trilogy, you probably don’t know what the region of Rijon is.
Rijon first appears in Pokémon Brown. It consists of numerous cities. First, you probably should know where you start—Seashore City. Seashore is one of the cities in the southwest area of Rijon, known for many mountains and caves. Many cities and forests the west to the east areas of Rijon. The eastern area is particularly known for Castro Valley, which is a harbor town. The southern area of Rijon consists of the sea and nothing more.
Geographically in the Rijon Trilogy canon, Rijon is located south of Johto; there is a small island in Johto which connects to the region. West of Rijon is the Naljo region, which is featured in Pokémon Prism. And new to rijonAdventures is South Rijon, which is south of the Rijon region, accessible from Merson City.
There are a lot of things in Rijon that I’ll detail in later entries. Stay tuned!
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
A trainer always goes from every town to get items. However, what if you backtrack to a town and their items are not really what you’re looking for? Actually, it happens all the time.
So, what’s funny is, that I thought of this idea before I saw it actually happening in Diamond and Pearl (honest!) but I never actually went into implementing it. That is, the marts are expanding their stock for every Gym you beat!
That’s basically it. As you get a badge, you’re valued more as a Trainer, so of course, you’re going to have access to more items.
But wait, is that another guy at the counter there? Now, this is an idea I borrowed from Diamond and Pearl.
Basically, most towns will also sell local specialities (mostly mail). There’s also one town that sells an imported good from a town somewhere in Hoenn…
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The original screenshots in this blog post have been lost. They have been recreated based on the surviving text.
From March 13 to March 26 at the PokéCommunity, I was looking for six beta testers to look for errors in rijonAdventures. Needless to say, that program is now closed.
A second round will open close to the game’s final release.
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. Parts of the original PokéCommunity thread have since been deleted, so the archived version as existed at the time of the post has been linked instead. The specific forum post this blog post is referring to can be found here.
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