
Release: Pokémon Pinball Generations 1.5

Some small bug fixes, including the following:

Fix bug where water stone and leaf stone graphics were buggy in the top-half of all boards

Get the game here.

The current version is 1.5.

Release: Pokémon Pinball Generations 1.3

EDIT: This version is now out of date! You can find the latest version of Pinball Generations by clicking here.

Another bug fix release for Pokémon Pinball Generations, including fixes for Scyther, rare Pokémon not showing and breeding on Red/Blue tables.

Grab it here!

The current version is 1.3.

We’re working on some larger updates too!

Release: Pokémon Pinball Generations 1.1

EDIT: this version is now out of date! You can find the latest version of Pinball Generations by clicking here

A small update has been issued for Pokémon Pinball Generations, addressing an issue where Kingdra was unobtainable.

You can get the game right here:

Or find it on PokéCommunity here:

Release: Pokémon Prism 0.95

3 years. It’s certainly been one heck of a gap. I’m super pleased to say that your patience has been rewarded with our biggest update ever! This is Pokémon Prism 0.95.

Release: Pokémon Pinball Generations 1.0

EDIT: this version is now out of date! You can find the latest version of Pinball Generations by clicking here.

Get it here:

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