Release: Pokémon Prism 0.95

3 years. It’s certainly been one heck of a gap. I’m super pleased to say that your patience has been rewarded with our biggest update ever! This is Pokémon Prism 0.95.

Download it here!

For instructions on how to play or update your game, click here

And I mean biggest update ever: new maps, new music, new trainers, some amazing new graphics, as well as multiple dialogue and story enhancements! There’s a lot more for both new players and existing ones. And we’re not done yet – development has already begun on 0.96!

I’m also pleased to announce that for the first time since 2018 we will be attempting to release hotfixes for 0.95 as we develop 0.96. This means, where possible, you will get bug fixes backported to 0.95 and released quickly rather than having to wait for the next version.

We have also launched our new website! Check out not only for Prism but for all of our games we’ve released over the years, as well as old archives from previous developers of the World of Rijon. Our blog has had many posts backported from various archives and older sites, so you can chart the development history of our various games – our oldest post dates back to 2006!

Our team has grown significantly since our last release and I would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of them for the incredible amount of free time they have dedicated towards this project. We could not have done this without you.

If you’d like to see the full changelog (beware, it is long), check out our post here on our blog.

Until next time, thanks for playing. You guys mean the world to us. ❤️

🔥 Ex cineribus resurgam, ferox et potens

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