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Pokemon Prism: Summer 2010 Beta

EDIT: This version of Pokémon Prism is out of date. Download the latest version on the game page.

It’s here!

Download now!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. We do not currently have a copy of Pokémon Prism Summer 2010 Beta available – will try to source one soon!

We’re back!

EDIT: The release here is an unstable in-dev release not intended for serious gameplay. For the last-known stable version of the game, please head over to the game page.

Boy did we look bad, huh? We needed a design refresh (because the layout was… eaten by an update) and so we’ve got one! It’s based off the layout I made for Delicious Rocket though I don’t think the layout looks as good without the awesome bokeh effect, but I really am overusing that.

So, what’s new?

  • Pokémon: rijonAdventures has a new version release with lots of stuff in it, but it also has lots of bugs. Why? Because it’s the direct copy I’ve been working on. You have yourself a grade A developers’ copy (which is dangerous!) And, I’ve been refining it to make it better all the way through, but you won’t see those refinements yet! More awesome stuff about that soon, but you can grab the unstable copy here.
  • Koolboyman is planning to start a private beta test for Pokémon Prism around June for the existing test group (but no promises!) Hopefully, I can get him to actually start posting here more often.
  • The rijonWorld forums are coming back with single sign on with WordPress soon, but I’m currently working things out. Yeah, the wiki idea didn’t quite work out.

Oh, and the layout’s currently under construction. How’s it look?

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Merry Christmas!

EDIT: This version is out of date. Check out the rijonAdventures page for the latest version!

The rijonAdventures Christmas 2008 Beta is finally out!

Download now

This is my present to everyone.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. We do not currently have a copy of the Christmas 2008 Beta for download.

The Elite Four’s Nina appears!

Another long while! But I’m still alive! School’s finally over! Time to introduce another character!

Nina trains flying-type Pokémon. At the start of the game, the Elite Four are on official leave, so Nina, a member of the Elite Four, is walking around the region looking for traces of Lugia. You’ll first see her in the Rijon Tunnel doing a bit of exploration. Meeting her is mostly crucial to the story, as after the league campaign you’ll be meeting her again and helping her out for something big…

(From the previous post and this post, you’ll notice that I’ve added a Javascript that zooms in on thumbnails. A lovely script, at that.)

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. We have not included Hiroshi’s lovely script here, but you can witness it for yourself here: Archive link. The original full size artwork included with the blog post has been lost.

Definite while

Been a while since my last update (three months). Much too busy this year, though I’ve been doing things. I’m not dead!

A lot of things are worked on, never you worry. The project goal has been thrown off a fair bit, but in the process, I can make a whole lot of refinements to the game. And clean up my dirty work. Maybe I’ll be able to release a beta with all of the Rijon region accessible.

In the meantime, take a look one of the kinds of changes I’m making.

Apparently, the computer of the artist who’s working on rijonAdventures’ excellent art has needed a reformat. But, hopefully I can show you guys more art later on!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The images included with this post have been lost and only the thumbnails remain.

UPS patching specification

Update: While rijonAdventures still uses the UPS format, we now have a different recommended method applying it to your ROM file. For up-to-date setup instructions, please click here.

rijonAdventures will be supporting a new patching format called UPS. This format allows for a much bigger ROM size (more for working on!). It’s a new format that aims to also iron out the problems with the IPS format.

(Note: rijonAdventures’ public beta is not currently using UPS.)

Please spread the use of this format!
UPS needs a big kickstart to get working, and it takes support from a lot of hacks! If you’re hacking a game, help the format out by changing from IPS to UPS.

And if you’re hacking Diamond and Pearl or plan to in the future, the UPS format will be absolutely necessary to use!

Read on to find out about why rijonAdventures will be using UPS and what benefits it provides.

Read more

rijonAdventures will be using a new patching format called UPS, created by byuu. This format is being used as it supports creating patches and applying them to sizes much larger than 16 MB. In comparison, IPS can only handle 16 MB.

Archivist’s note: byuu’s page is now offline, I have instead linked an archived page snapped at the time of this blog post.

What does this new format mean for rijonAdventures? Do other games use this format?

rijonAdventures will become a 32 MB ROM (or at least, larger than 16 MB). The extra space that UPS allows for means that there will be more content to put in the game. This can include much larger maps, more scripts and text, etc.

The version of rijonAdventures available to beta testers is in the UPS format, too.

The Unified Mother 3 Fan Translation project is already going to utilize the UPS format. For their intents and purposes, their use for the UPS format will further their ability to translate the game (and in their case, Mother 3 is unfortunately a 32 MB ROM, which IPS simply cannot support).

Will UPS files work in VisualBoyAdvance, Lunar IPS, etc.?

No. The UPS format’s specifications are different from the IPS format’s. However, just as there are patching programs for Lunar IPS, there are programs for UPS.

VisualBoyAdvance does not yet support UPS patches. Whether support will be implemented or not hasn’t been documented.

What program do I use to patch with UPS?

There are numerous UPS patchers available today. Windows users can download Tsukuyomi from here. Mac users can download UPS here.

Combination of three related posts on the old Rijon website, now offline, and PokéCommunity forums, now deleted. Blog post archive link. UPS page archive link. PokéCommunity post archive link. The links to the UPS patcher’s are no longer available. Please see our setup page for the more modern method of patching ROM files.

Merson City Hot Springs

Let’s face it; no Japanese-style hotel (in Merson City!) is complete without hot springs! And there’s one way to get into them; through the Hotel! This area is not available in the public beta. There’s a small oversight that may allow you to access the exterior suites and the spas, but this may lead to a game-ending glitch. It has been corrected in a small beta rerelease which you can download in the Downloads section.

Archivist’s note: Sorry, we currently do not have a copy of this release.

Access through the old man in the Hotel once you’ve gotten to a certain point.
The old lady lets you into the spring. It’s an old lady because old ladies are more responsible, obviously.
Aaaaaaah. Relaxing!

You may accidentally smash into the women’s spa by a not-so-obvious means (or if you’re a girl player, vice versa). If you’re a boy, you’re invading the privacy of numerous women, so your appearance is not so welcome.

Your exit won’t be so easy.

That’s just morally wrong, but oh so comedic.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The original screenshots in this blog post have been lost. They have been recreated based on the surviving text.

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