
Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0208


  • Healing moves based on time of day no longer crash the game
  • Sleep moves can be used against substitutes without crashing the game

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0207


  • Moraga Town’s Pokemart sign no longer crashes the game
  • Merson and Moraga Gym leaders now wait for a button press before beginning the battle
  • Torenia City celebrity and Route 53 free sample man now wait for a button press before closing the dialogue boxes
  • Missing NPC in Botan City is now reachable by the player

Mechanic changes

  • Trainer in Route 69 now has a team appropriate for that stage in the game, instead of a late-game team
  • Shroomish line can now learn Sludge Bomb via TM, and Breloom can now learn Rock Slide and Iron Tail via TM
  • Breloom can now learn Cut via HM
  • Bronzor can now learn Iron Head via TM
  • Metagross cannot learn Fire Punch via TM any longer
  • Focus Band now has a 10% chance of triggering (was 11.71875%)
  • King’s Rock now behaves as expected and has a 10% chance of triggering
  • BrightPowder, Hustle and CompoundEyes’ accuracy modifiers now apply multiplicatively as expected (instead of additively)
  • Leftovers now triggers only once per turn (broken in previous build)

Feature changes

  • Accuracy and effect accuracy calculations are now exact, devoid of rounding errors and up to late gen standards
  • Fixed Power Herb’s description

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0206


  • Trainer in Route 69 now faces the player, not the woods
  • Metronome should no longer crash the game when going first
  • Trace should now work properly and not crash the game

Mechanic changes

  • Rhyperior now learns Dragon Dance via happiness tutor; Head Smash can now be taught via move relearner
  • Metronome can now select a move the user already has
  • Slight improvements in randomness handling for critical hits

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0205


  • Route 86 gate’s door now takes you to the proper location

Mechanic changes

  • Magnemite can now learn Iron Head via TM
  • Blissey can now learn Blizzard, Razor Leaf, Tri Attack, Void Sphere and Zap Cannon via TM
  • Fixed abilities that trigger when the Pokemon is sent out (broken in previous build)
  • Moves that increase two stats by one stage each now play their animation only once (broken in previous build)

Feature changes

  • Battle Tower tycoons now properly change based on the day of the week

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0204


  • Milos Catacombs’ side-scrolling area is now marked as a cave, not a route
  • Fixed window placement in Battle Tower building
  • Raiwato battle now doesn’t stop the background music upon ending
  • NPC trainers no longer attempt to use items they don’t have
  • Exp Share should no longer award double experience points
  • Baton Pass should no longer cause graphical glitches
  • Crobat in Battle Tower now has its original prize moveset (including Aeroblast)
  • Battle Tower now restores consumed held items after exiting
  • Retiring in the Battle Tower no longer resets the win streak
  • Play times of 1000 hours or more now show up correctly in the Continue screen
  • Minor text, dialogue and scripting fixes
  • Minor map updates

Mechanic changes

  • NPC trainers no longer switch Pokemon unnecessarily often (effectively making them less aggressive than the previous update)
  • Enemy Pokemon are now affected by entry hazards (Spikes, Lava Pool) when entering the field due to an AI-triggered switch
  • Fixed a glitch with invalid HP values after capturing a Pokemon with a Shiny Ball (caused by DV changes)
  • Lava Pool cannot override other major status conditions anymore
  • Accuracy and evasion now behave cumulatively (as in generation 3+ games)
  • Intimidate now triggers Competitive
  • Fixed bug where Solarbeam would deal 250 times the damage it should during rainy weather (Yes, it’s nerfed to where it should be now, sorry)
  • Hail and Sandstorm now also properly halve Solarbeam’s damage
  • Weezing can now learn Steel Eater via TM
  • Natu cannot learn AncientPower via TM any longer
  • Magnemite line can now learn Sunny Day and Explosion via TM, and Magneton can also learn Tri Attack and Iron Head (matching Magnezone)
  • Totodile line can now learn Rain Dance via TM
  • Updated some Battle Tower and Battle Arcade sets to hold an Eviolite

Feature changes

  • Added an extra Gold Token in Phacelia City
  • Savefile patching now checks that the player is in a Pokemon Center

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0203


  • Fixed Varaneous’s roaming location for players for whom it was stuck
  • Battle Tower should now keep proper track of win streaks
  • Conversion2 no longer crashes when used after a move that would leave it without any valid types to choose from
  • Fixed bug that would undo Aftermath’s damage
  • Last text line before battle of some gym leaders (Whitney, Bugsy, Sabrina) and the Saffron Dojo leader is now readable (waits for an A/B press)
  • Prevented hacked-in invalid items from crashing the game when loaded
  • Minor text and scripting fixes

Mechanic changes

  • In-game trainers now switch more often (and more optimally) in battle
  • Hi Jump Kick now gets boosted by Reckless
  • Magmortar can now learn Vaporize and Barrier via move reminder

Feature changes

  • Synchronize now prints the correct message when inflicting a burn due to copying Flame Body
  • Abilities no longer print a message when attempting to heal their user between turns while at maximum HP
  • HP bars are no longer slanted (put on hold until they are no longer buggy)

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0202


  • Dusclops no longer tries to evolve into itself, and learns moves at the expected levels
  • Swimmer in Route 78 cannot spot the player from land any longer
  • Repel’s description fixed (PokeMON -> Pokemon)

Mechanic changes

  • Dusknoir sets added to Battle Tower and Battle Arcade

Feature changes

  • Patch now detects zipped ROMs and empty savefiles

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0201


  • Pokemon shininess is now determined correctly (fixes bug introduced in 0200)
  • Re-added the missing NPC in Haunted Mansion blocking the basement entrance
  • Updated dex order to place Dusknoir after Dusclops

Mechanic changes

  • Scyther can no longer learn Fire Punch via TM

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0200


  • Fixed Light Ball event (Laurel Forest Pokemon-only area) so that it only gives one Light Ball and only when the player’s Pokemon isn’t holding an item (does not apply retroactively)
  • Fixed stacks of 0 items in the Prison
  • Updated Sylveon’s entry to prevent text overflow on screen

Mechanic changes

  • Added Dusknoir to the game, replacing the unobtainable Carnivine
  • Added Reaper Cloth as an obtainable item (item ball in Haunted Mansion)

Changelog: Version 0.93, build 0198


  • Fixed crash when using Will-o-Wisp
  • Removed guard in Saxifrage Prison that would completely block progress
  • Fixed remaining glitch with HP bars when taking recoil damage
  • Text fixes
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