Release: Pokémon Pinball Generations 1.5
Some small bug fixes, including the following:
Fix bug where water stone and leaf stone graphics were buggy in the top-half of all boards
The current version is 1.5.
Some small bug fixes, including the following:
Fix bug where water stone and leaf stone graphics were buggy in the top-half of all boards
The current version is 1.5.
Hi everyone.
We’ve been getting an increasing number of bug reports regarding this issue and thought it a good idea to put this message out.
Players of Pokémon Prism on Analogue Pocket have been reporting save corruption issues. We have investigated and found the problem is with the Pocket itself, as software emulators and official hardware are unaffected. This issue can cause irreversible data loss and damage up to and including the loss of all Pokémon in your PC Box. This corruption remains even if you use the game pak on another console or boot it up in an emulator.
We would therefore advise players on Analogue Pocket to back up their save files immediately or, if playing on carts that cannot be backed up, stop using the console until Analogue issues an update to fix this bug. Official, non-Japanese Pokémon games do not appear to be affected, however, this may affect other Pokémon game mods like Prism.
Analogue should be able to fix this issue with an update to the console. We’ll let you guys know when or if that happens and when it is safe to play Prism on the console again. Hopefully soon.
Update (6 Dec): So far, we have only seen the issue affect cartridges. Methods like Everdrive, EZ-FLASH Junior and openFGPA so far do not be affected. However, we do still recommend backing up your save files frequently while using the console, as other issues may occur. An update to the Pocket is due soon – we will be testing this thoroughly and will report back. Please continue to report issues to us using our bug report form.
EDIT: This version is now out of date! You can find the latest version of Pinball Generations by clicking here.
Another bug fix release for Pokémon Pinball Generations, including fixes for Scyther, rare Pokémon not showing and breeding on Red/Blue tables.
The current version is 1.3.
We’re working on some larger updates too!
EDIT: this version is now out of date! You can find the latest version of Pinball Generations by clicking here
A small update has been issued for Pokémon Pinball Generations, addressing an issue where Kingdra was unobtainable.
You can get the game right here:
Or find it on PokéCommunity here:
With Twitter/X making paywall noises, we thought it a good idea to seek an alternative just in case so you can keep up to date with our work.
Check us out here:
As a reminder we are also on these Twitter alternatives:
We’ll continue to post on Twitter/X as long as we’re able to.
Our trainers have had a glow up! In the upcoming update to Pokémon Brown, we have a newly redesigned Brown based on his appearance in Pokémon Prism, and a new playable character Beige!
Hello archival enthusiasts! If you’ve ever wanted to download an older version of our games, now you can in one convenient place. We’ve just launched the first phase of the RainbowDevs archive!
For now we have listed every RainbowDevs version of Pokémon Prism, but in the future we hope to expand to the pre-RD versions, as well as archival releases of our other games. We’re also making an effort to archive our data to the Wayback Machine, so should anything happen, you will always have access to a permanent, comprehensive arcive of all our games straight from the source.
Please note: these are old releases for troubleshooting and archival purposes only. They are not stable and have known issues, some serious, that may break or corrupt your sava data. We will not be providing support for these older releases, so, please use at your own risk.
Have fun!
Congrats to YouTuber ProfessorHoenn for beating the Elite 4 with a (nearly) full Nuzlocke run in Pokémon Prism 0.95.
It was really awesome to watch you play through the whole story and the feedback was great! Thanks for playing our game! ❤️
Check out the full run below:
We always love watching you guys! If you have a video of you playing Prism you’d like to share, please let us know on our Twitter, Mastodon, Subreddit or Discord server!
Version 0.95, build 0254 (24 August 2023):
Something that we’ve teased before – check out the update to Pokémon Brown we’ve been working on! What new features can you spot?
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