Rainbow Tower

RainbowDevs development blog

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 219


  • Battles with NPCs no longer cause crashes (introduced in previous build)
  • Abilities are now back to normal (bug introduced in previous build)

Mechanic changes

  • Altered how abilities of NPCs’ Pokemon are determined

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 218


  • Avoid potential bugs with Flame Body or Magma Armor coming from last build’s egg-hatching-related fix
  • Minor visual updates and bug fixes

Feature changes

  • Improved graphics and layout in Oxalis Gym
  • Battle Tower and Battle Arcade shops now sell stacks of items

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0217


  • Various crash screen-related errors and crashes fixed
  • Printing a PokeDex entry no longer causes the game to crash
  • Route 49 cannot be entered without a bike, as intended
  • Iron Pickaxe should no longer create purple-colored screens when used by female players
  • Pokemon received via events will now have the correct held items even when sent to the PC
  • Fixed bug where deducting PP from a move (due to using it in battle) would also reset PP Ups
  • Fixed Groudon’s Pokedex entry

Mechanic changes

  • Continued Moveset fixes
  • Arcanine and Vulpix now learn Body Slam via TM
  • Lunatone and Solrock now learn Cosmic Power via TM
  • Gliscor now learns Dark Pulse via TM
  • Hitmontop and Jigglypuff line now learn Dig via TM
  • Buneary line and Torkoal now learn Double Team via TM
  • Sylveon now learns Endure via TM
  • Cacnea and Chimecho now learn Energy Ball via TM
  • Spiritomb now learns Flash via TM
  • Onix now learns Flash Cannon via TM
  • Sableye now learns Ice Punch via TM
  • Graveler, Golem and Togekiss now learn Metronome via TM
  • Feebas line now learns Protect via TM
  • Magby and Spiritomb now learn Psychic via TM
  • Moltres now learns Sandstorm via TM
  • Slowbro now learns Seismic Toss via TM
  • Gliscor now learns Sky Attack via TM
  • Zubat and Golbat now learn Sludge Bomb via TM
  • Togekiss now learns Sunny Day via TM
  • Feebas line and Sylveon now learn Swagger via TM
  • Mewtwo and Snorlax now learn Thunder via TM
  • Slowking now learns Thunder Wave via TM
  • Spearow line now learns Tri Attack via TM
  • Ho-Oh now learns Will-O-Wisp via TM
  • Porygon now learns Zap Cannon via TM
  • Void Sphere now has 15 PP
  • Ghost Hammer now has 85 power, 100% accuracy and 15 PP
  • Naljo Fury now makes STAB moves deal 250% damage (was 300%) while in Naljo and in link battles or battle facilities
  • Do note that link battle functionality is still being worked on and is non-functional currently
  • Pokemon with Flame Body or Magma Armor now speed up egg hatching even when not at the top of the party
  • Burnt Berries are now sellable and tossable, preventing someone from being stuck with them
  • Volbeat and Illumise can now generate each other via breeding

Feature changes

  • Move info screen now labels power as ‘Pow’, not ‘Atk’

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0215

Mechanic changes

  • Continued Moveset fixes
  • Buneary line and Phanpy line now learn Defense Curl via TM
  • Bronzong and Drifloon line now learn Explosion via TM
  • Altaria, Feebas line, Gyarados, Mewtwo and Sylveon now learn Iron Tail via TM
  • Goldeen and Spinarak line now learn Megahorn via TM
  • Hitmontop, Torkoal and Wailmer line now learn Rollout via TM
  • Buneary line, Lucario, Mewtwo, Togekiss and Zubat line now learn Shadow Ball via TM
  • Rampardos, Steelix and Tentacool line now learn Cut via HM
  • Lotad, Mawile and Surskit line now learn Sweet Scent via TM
  • Exeggcute line now learns Swords Dance via TM
  • Intimidate now triggers after a faint-induced switch
  • Pressure no longer decreases the PP of moves that don’t target its owner
  • Entry and end turn abilities should now process in the right order
  • Waterfall now has a 20% flinch chance (was 0%)

Feature changes

  • Items PC now shows item quantities for all items (including key items)

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0214


  • Non-damaging sound moves now properly handle substitutes
  • NPC battles’ AI now properly handles X items

Mechanic changes

  • Continued Moveset fixes
  • Rampardos, Steelix and Tentacool line now learn Cut via HM
  • Altaria and Tangela line now learn Rock Smash via HM
  • Bronzong, Jigglypuff line, Lopunny, Pikachu, Raichu, Ponyta line, Shinx line, Slowpoke, Slowbro and Tangrowth now learn Strength via HM
  • Rayquaza now learns Surf via HM
  • Confusion now only triggers 1/3 of the time instead of 1/2
  • Paralysis halves speed instead of quartering it
  • NPCs can now use Full Heals to heal confusion and nightmare statuses

Feature changes

  • More informative crash screen

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0213


  • Smelting no longer causes crashes
  • Battle Tower attendant’s initial menu no longer contains a blank entry
  • X items should now behave properly

Mechanic changes

  • Continued Moveset fixes
  • Aggron, Charmander line, Mamoswine, Mawile, Numel line and Togekiss now learn AncientPower via TM
  • Duskull, Espeon, Umbreon, Gligar, Ninetales, Spiritomb and Togekiss now learn Dream Eater via TM
  • Breloom, Dusclops, Flaaffy, Groudon, Lombre, Mewtwo, Sableye and Whismur line now learn DynamicPunch via TM
  • Gallade, Magcargo, Magmortar and Phanpy line now learn Earthquake via TM
  • Flygon and Numel line now learn Fire Blast via TM
  • Flygon, Numel line, Slowpoke and Slowbro now learn Flamethrower via TM
  • Duskull line, Gengar, Misdreavus line, Onix, Sableye and Shuppet line now learn Headbutt via TM
  • Metang, Togetic, Trapinch and Vibrava now learn Hyper Beam via TM
  • Mareep line and Togekiss now learn Safeguard via TM
  • Arcanine, Houndour, Leafeon, Moltres, Ninetales, Ponyta line and Snorlax now learn Solarbeam via TM
  • Snorlax now learns Thunderbolt via TM
  • Cacnea, Charmander line, Geodude line, Groudon, Lombre and Pichu now learn ThunderPunch via TM
  • Cranidos line, Crobat, Makuhita line, Skorupi line and Snorlax now learn Whirlwind via TM

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0212


  • Minor fixes related to the switches in the Goldenrod basement
  • Some text fixes

Mechanic changes

  • Multi-hit moves now use gen 5+ chances to determine how many hits to deal
  • MASSIVE Moveset fixes
  • Larvitar and Pupitar now learn Iron Tail via TM, and Pupitar learns Hyper Beam via TM
  • Anorith line, Aron line, Articuno, Bagon, Shelgon, Charmander, Charmeleon, Cyndaquil line, Flygon, Gible line, Gliscor, Groudon, Hitmontop, Ho-Oh, Kangaskhan, Leafeon, Lugia, Masquerain, Metang, Metagross, Moltres, Paras line, Pidgey line, Rayquaza, Scizor, Skorupi line, Sneasel line, Spearow line, Swablu, Taillow, Tangrowth, Teddiursa line, Togetic, Togekiss, Totodile line, Tyranitar, Venomoth, Zapdos and Zubat line learn Aerial Ace via TM
  • Duskull line, Glaceon, Goldeen line, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Swinub line and Weavile now learn Blizzard via TM
  • Lotad, Lombre, Paras line, Pikachu, Raichu, Rhyhorn, Riolu, Slowbro and Taillow now learn Counter via TM
  • Breloom, Gible line, Goldeen line, Leafeon, Lopunny, Mamoswine, Quilava, Typhlosion, Rayquaza, Rhyperior, Riolu line, Shelgon, Salamence, Shinx line, Slowking and Trapinch line now learn Fury Cutter via TM
  • Chinchou line, Drifloon line, Duskull line, Gastly line, Jigglypuff line, Lotad line, Mawile, Metang, Metagross, Misdreavus line, Rayquaza, Relicanth, Rhyperior, Sableye, Shuppet line, Spiritomb, Weavile and Whismur line now learn Icy Wind via TM
  • Electabuzz line, Jigglypuff line, Lunatone, Machop line, Mamoswine, Marill line, Paras line, Ralts line, Scyther line, Slowking and Solrock now learn Light Screen via TM
  • Articuno, Goldeen line, Growlithe line, Metang, Metagross, Moltres, Numel line, Rayquaza, Whismur and Zapdos now learn Mud-Slap via TM
  • Cacnea line, Donphan, Goldeen line, Haunter, Gengar, Gligar line, Hitmonlee, Machop line, Makuhita line, Rapidash, Rhyhorn line, Riolu line, Spinarak line, Tangrowth and Tentacool line now learn Poison Jab via TM
  • Butterfree, Hitmontop, Machop line, Mamoswine, Pidgey line, Scyther, Spearow line, Spiritomb, Tyrogue, Zubat and Golbat now learn Rain Dance via TM
  • Jigglypuff line, Lunatone, Mamoswine, Ralts line, Solrock and Tangela now learn Reflect via TM
  • Blastoise, Charmander line, Dusclops and Dusknoir now learn Rock Slide via TM
  • Porygon line, Slowking, Surskit line and Togekiss now learn Signal Beam via TM
  • Bellsprout line, Butterfree, Growlithe line, Raichu, Scyther, Shinx line and Tentacool line now learn Thief via TM

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0211


  • Ore Case giveaway now properly checks for space in the Key Items pocket
  • Smelting no longer crashes the game
  • Fixed visual glitches in Iron Pickaxe menu
  • Iron Pickaxe no longer complains about not being charged when you don’t have one at all
  • TokenTracker should now report information correctly
  • Prz Guard now properly prevents paralysis (instead of confusion)
  • Meteor Mash now has the correct effect
  • Fixed AI-induced crash after using all possible moves in a battle
  • Stat experience is now properly awarded after battles
  • Minor text fixes

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0210


  • Actually added the 100th Gold Token mentioned in a previous update
  • Conversion2 now works as intended in all cases and doesn’t cause crashes
  • Fixed bug with detection of charging battlers (i.e., battlers that were in the charging turn for some two-turn move)
  • Various text fixes

Mechanic changes

  • Gold Token reward redesign, changing some of the prizes, their costs, and ensuring that the player can get one (and exactly one) of each item offered
  • Refunded Gold Tokens via savefile patch for former Gold Token prizes now removed from listing
  • Some Bingo prizes changed
  • Fixed Feebas’s base Special Defense (53 -> 55)
  • Fixed egg groups for Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Spearow, Fearow, Feebas, Milotic, Trapinch, Vibrava and Relicanth
  • Pineco can now learn Signal Beam via TM
  • Forretress can now learn Iron Head and Zap Cannon via TM
  • Yanma can now learn Aerial Ace via TM

Feature changes

  • New key items:
  • Time Machine (allows changing the in-game time)
  • TokenTracker (tracks collected Gold Tokens and shows their locations)
  • Smelter (allows smelting ores in the overworld)
  • Ore Case (holds smelted ores to be sold)
  • Iron Pick (reusable mining pick)
  • Hyper Share (similar to late generations’ Exp. Share)
  • Itemfinder (replacing Tokenfinder) now detects all kinds of hidden items
  • New Secret Shop (details withheld for obvious reasons)
  • New held items:
  • Macho Brace
  • Wise Glasses
  • Muscle Band
  • Expert Belt
  • 24-hour time format is now default; 12-hour still selectable via options menu
  • Redesigned time-setting interface

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0208


  • Healing moves based on time of day no longer crash the game
  • Sleep moves can be used against substitutes without crashing the game
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