Anniversary Crystal Distro Card 17: DUX

DUX! Our lovely bird is the final Pokemon to make the CUT to be distributed via digital codes for TPP AC. Once lost years ago to the PC, DUX is back and ready to join you along your own journey.
Note, that the x
symbol in the code above is the multiplication symbol, not a Roman Alphabet ‘x’, and the 'd
is one character.
Also, be on the lookout for asdf14396’s series of posts explaining the ins and outs of how we got this whole setup working – it’s quite interesting!
As with the other distribution codes, all of our distributed Pokemon from previous runs have been brought into Anniversary Crystal using their original data as they were last seen in their respective games. To acquire the Pokemon in your own game, please see the PCC located in Goldenrod City after you have acquired 16 GYM Badges!