Author: Kip

Pokémon Prism arrives in December

If you haven’t already seen the trailer, check it out!

Pokémon Prism arrives December 2016.

The development team have been hard at work to bring you Pokémon Prism, and the players at Twitch have surely loved every moment — bugs to squash, odd Pokémon nicknames and absolute ANARCHY abound! We hope you’ll like it too!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Report prism bugs

EDIT: This is now outdated. Please use our new form to report bugs.

Pokémon Prism: Official Trailer

Hit that reset button!

The World of Rijon is seeing a makeover! A new design is only the start to some very big changes happening to the Rijon trilogy. Because of some issues with the old site, we’ve quickly gotten onto fixing the whole site up. We’re not done with the design — the game pages will eventually be fleshed out with cool stuff too.

Here’s what’s going on:

  • Discord, baby! Use our Discord server to chat about the games, speculate, chat with the developers (from time to time) or chat about what’s coming soon (maybe not).
  • Pokémon Prism will have a playable release coming soon! Having just been hinted on Twitch Plays Pokémon, look forward to some Pokémon Prism action this September! With many major changes happening to Prism, it’s probably not fair to compare it to the very old betas going around, so it’s not available from The World of Rijon currently.
  • As we mentioned, Twitch Plays Pokémon happened, and Pokémon Brown was featured (DEMOCRACY! ANARCHY! A B B B B START START SELECT START SELECT!) The game’s already done, and we think it’s pretty great — so if you haven’t started your journey into the Rijon trilogy, download it already! (Or just read about it if you’re that kind of person.)
  • rijonAdventures is still a thing — but development has restarted. It’s steadily being done, but you’ll see some major changes to the story, fleshed out character development, a bit more modernization in relation to the newest Pokémon games, and the integration of numerous advancements in the ROM hacking scene. Oh, and tons of legacy cruft and bugs have been incinerated. Look forward to seeing some more of it over the coming months.

It’s gonna be a wild ride. Thanks for keeping up with us if you’ve been doing so since 2004. We’ve got so much more to deliver.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The original Discord server has closed, however you can find our new Discord server here.

Anniversary Crystal Source Code Released

Download and compile your own copy here:

This is a modded disassembly of Pokémon Crystal, Created for TwitchPlaysPokemon.

To set up the repository, see

See also

Anniversary Crystal data dump

Originally posted by asdf14396

Since lots of things have been changed for this hack (wild Pokemon, trainers, and so on), we’ve decided to build some documentation on things like wild encounters, learnsets and the like, since the information available in other sources (e.g., Buibapedia) won’t always apply here.

That documentation will eventually be available for interactive browsing (on the same website as the ROM patches, where right now there is a download link to a .zip file instead). However, the data is also available as a raw JSON file, in case someone wants to do something with the data in machine-parsable form (perhaps even make your own website to show the data, who knows).

EDIT: latest version 2016-05-14 23:50:02

I’ll keep the JSON updated if anything changes, so make sure to check the version in the JSON itself (which is simply a UTC timestamp) to ensure you have the latest version. (Also, fair warning, it’s 8 MB.)

If you have any questions about the dataset, ask ahead and I’ll answer to the best of my capacity. Enjoy!

Original Reddit thread (old links no longer work)

Release: Pokémon Anniversary Crystal

EDIT: Links to our old site no longer work. You can now find Anniversary Crystal downloads at our project page here!

What is Pokémon Brown and why are we playing it?

Originally posted as a primer to the upcoming Twitch Plays Pokémon run of Pokémon Brown. Many people had not heard of Brown, or much of ROM Hacks in general, so I tried to introduce it. It includes a brief rundown of what it is, its history and some comments from the original developer providing insight.

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