You’ve heard of “Challenge Leaders” before, but the whole concept hasn’t really been explained that much. I’ve actually ended up calling them “Gym Leaders” again, but the entire concept behind them remains the same. What are they, exactly?
Rachel and Chad are two Gym Leaders of… South Rijon. That’s right; you heard right – South Rijon has Gym Leaders. The reward for defeating them is a secret right now, but unlike Gold/Silver, where you end up battling Gym Leaders at toned-down levels, South Rijon’s Gym Leaders are going to be challenging. When I say challenging, I mean Level 60+ challenging.
Oh, and the final challenge (South Rijon’s champion)? Expect a fight where the highest-levelled Pokémon is an astoundingly high Level 100. (The regret here is that you may, unless you cheat or find a random supply of Rare Candy, never actually be able to finish the game.) Who’s the hotshot with such a crazy, blasphemy-of-a-high levelled Pokémon?
That’s for another day.
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
The website blog’s being melded back into the main site, meaning that the “rijonAdventures official site” is finished. The old site will still be up (but not updated – feel free to steal that layout for your own website if you’re still interested. Or, steal any of our older, uglier layouts for your own site.) The PokéCommunity’s rijonAdventures thread will also be updated with information seen in this blog.
Future updates will be posted here. Like this update I’m posting right now.
Have you seen the new town in South Rijon? This is the first town you’ll come to.
Lakes Entrance is actually based a bit off the Victorian town of the same name. As such, it’s a town that’s far from the city and being the first town of South Rijon, it’s also a tourist area. (I forgot to put a Hotel in.) It’s got a beach and is known for Krabby fishing, too. (The real Lakes Entrance is popular because it’s abundant with crabs, mind you the crustacean kind, though they, unlike Krabby, are fished out, cooked and eaten.)
What more is there to South Rijon? I’ll reveal some information later on about it. Maybe.
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The PokéCommunity thread linked here still existed but some of the original posts have been deleted, so an archive link has been included instead.
This is very clearly a blog – and it’s a work in progress as part of a nice visual and technical refresh. We’ve upgraded to WordPress! And we’re missing tons of content! (I mean to fix this.) So while we’re getting prepared (and this time I’m actually ready to work on it since WordPress is damn awesome to use) take the pleasure to browse our forums.
By the way, if you liked that irrelevant TF2 page, you can see it again here.
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. It was posted to introduce the new, WordPress-based website. The World of Rijon Forums were also hosted here and shut down – an archive link has been included.
How was Christmas and the New Year? Was it fine? I’ve got something new for the New Year, too.
This release is more of an incremental thing. It fixes a few bugs that people have encountered, but it also adds the updated Merson Cave map I showed off earlier. Give it a whirl if you’d like!
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. This was the last known stable release of rijonAdventures, so the download button links to the current page.
EDIT: The creator of this unofficial release has edited their post to add “This is an awful and unbalanced version of the hack. I’m not even sure if it still works. This isn’t fun unless you’re a straight up masochist.” So – play at your own risk!
A fan of rijonAdventures has released a modified version of Pokémon rijonAdventures!
Try it here.
Originally posted on PokéCommunity by user Disturbed.
Drag the slider to compare!
Yes, I was fully aware that the old map was ugly and outdated compared to many of the new areas in the game. It’s good to refresh something every once in a while. (Especially since the map hasn’t been touched for years.)
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
EDIT: This version is out of date. Check out the rijonAdventures page for the latest version!
The rijonAdventures Christmas 2008 Beta is finally out!
Download now
This is my present to everyone.
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. We do not currently have a copy of the Christmas 2008 Beta for download.
I’m preparing the Christmas beta though, just you wait!
In other news, I got a shiny award at The PokéCommunity and a pretty emblem too. (Truth be told, I actually made them.)
A big thank-you to everyone who voted for rijonAdventures (if any) and the judges of the Hack of the Year. 😀
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
A new beta will be released on December 25th! The beta will contain the entire campaign right until the Elite Four is beaten – South Rijon and a few secret areas will remain secret in the beta being released this Christmas.
I’ll keep posting updates, but for now, ciao!
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.
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