Author: Kip

It’s a Pokémon Brown Nuzlocke comic!

Check out these Pokémon Brown nuzlocke comics!! These are so awesome!!

Be sure to follow SammySami to find out what happens – they’ve been posting them daily!

DSammySami on Twitter


Reddit post

Heeey Sammy here. Here comes today's PBN comic strip. This is def the funniest side quest I've had to do for pokeballs… #Pokemon #Pokemoncomics #comics #4koma

[image or embed]

— SammySami ( February 19, 2025 at 1:49 AM

Release: Pokémon Brown 6.1.2

Merry Christmas from RainbowDevs! As present for you this year, we bring you a Pokémon Brown update! This update includes fixes for numerous issues reported to us over the past few months, as well as some new features, map and graphics updates, and more. This update also fixes Articuno, so Pokédex completion is now possible once again!

Read the full changelog right here!

Remember to always back up your save data before attempting an update, and follow the instructions in the readme file that comes with the game.

A big thank you once again to our players for reporting issues on our report form and over on our Discord server. And of course, thank you so much for playing our game!

We all wish you a happy Christmas and wonderful new year!

Changelog: Version 6.1.2


  • Mt. Boulder’s B1F static encounter NPC was hidden by mistake when TM14 was added. This prevented Pokédex completion in version 6.1.1.
  • The other player’s selected Pokémon at the trading selection screen was incorrectly displayerd.
  • The Pokéball icon when changing boxes wasn’t loaded from the start menu.
  • Azalea’s Gym still had some leftover hidden objects that could be accessed after getting the gift Pokémon.
  • Event at the final cave was being reset everytime the player beat the Rijon League.
  • A King’s Rock could be used on Politoed to evolve it into Politoed (old Brown leftover).
  • False Swipe Move tutor NPC has been moved to “fix” a collision issue in Azalea Town.
  • When beating the Elite 4, the blackout/teleport/dig/escape rope map was incorrectly set (normally it should be set to Seashore City). Blacking out or using teleport/dig/escape rope would end up on a glitched map.
  • There was an specific frame window for a Rocket in Final Island that could trigger a corrupted battle.

Move Changes

  • G.Weezing now learns Body Slam by TM.
  • Bulbasaur now learns Growth at level 29 instead of Growl.
  • Noivern at E4 knew Moonblast instead of Moonlight (Noivern can’t learn Moonblast).

New Features

  • Before releasing a Pokémon from the PC, a menu displays allowing to view the Pokémon’s stats, just like the withdrawn and deposit menus. This helps identifying Nicknamed or Shiny Pokémon before releasing.
  • Pokéballs can’t be used when the enemy Pokémon is Flying/Digging.


  • Pokéball icons gfx for battle HUD, Pokédex and box swapping updated.
  • Silk Tunnel 1F had some wrong wall tiles near the hole that would connect to International Tunnel in Prism.
  • Tileset 0x0C (12) has been internally freed for future use if needed.
  • Minor changes to gate maps (i.e. added stools for the guards).
  • Johto gates graphics updated to be more similar to Gen 2.
  • Botan cave is now entered via a cave entrance instead of stairs.
  • Minor change to Castro Manor’s map: the eastern exit now goes to a new side dock in Castro Valley by the Manor instead of the Manor’s entrance.
  • Better background blending for stools and tables for lab tileset.
  • West entrance at the Rinjoh Peak gate is now only one tile, having a tree on the top half (same as all other horizontal gates in the game).
  • The “map” on the map house at Hayward now has a unique sprite instead of being a book.


  • Bugsy’s text slightly modified to clarify the 8th Gym Leader not being able to be rematched (Bugsy is the 8th rematch).
  • Wild encounters for Power Plant and Botan City Cave have been tweaked to increase the rare 1% encounters to 5%.
  • Tyrogue has been added as a 5% encounter to route 54 (previously only available as 1% encounter until post-game).
  • The girl at Hayward looking for her Slowbro now randomly turns around instead of just looking to her left.
  • Rocket at route 34 has had its engage distance reduced to 1.
  • The scientist NPC at Route 34 Gate now only moves left to right to prevent him going into the door.
  • Text has been added to the “notebook” on the table at the map house lady at Hayward City.
  • Minor text fixes.

Release: Pokémon Brown 6.1.1

Following our recent 6.1 release, have a hotfix! This has several important bugfixes, so if you have already updated to 6.1 we recommend you update to 6.1.1 as soon as possible.

This fixes a bug with the new laptop item and issues with the Pokédex. It also includes other tweaks that we didn’t have time to include in the 6.1 release.

Check out the full changelog here!

Remember to always back up your save data before attempting an update, and follow the instructions in the readme file that comes with the game.

Thank you to everyone who reported bugs in our Discord server and through our bug report form!

Changelog: Version 6.1.1

Note: the included data dumps in the previous 6.1 package file had incorrect information for some movesets and wild encounters.


  • The new laptops glitched the game when changing boxes, with potential savegame corruption.
  • Pokédex saved page was being reset after trainer battles and bugged after entering Rijon League’s lobby.

Move Changes

  • Palette Black’s Honchcrow had two illegal moves.
  • G.Weezing now learns Double-Edge by TM.
  • Koffing, Weezing and G.Weezing now learn Take Down by TM.
  • Poliwrath now learns Dynamic Punch as evolution move instead of Submission (Submission can still be learned via the Move Relearner).
  • Crobat now learns Sky Attack instead of Poison Jab as evolution move (Poison Jab is still natually learned at level 32).
  • Bellsprout and Weepinbell’s learnset modified so they learn stab moves earlier.


  • Pinsir is now available at Castro Forest (it was previously locked to post-game). Pidgeotto has been changed into a 1% Pidgeot encounter.

Release: Pokémon Brown 6.1 & Brown Tools 6.1

We’re very pleased to announce our first feature update for Pokémon Brown 20th Anniversary Edition: 6.1!

Not to be confused with 6.0.1, a hotfix release we released back in September, this update comes with a few new cool new features, including new Move Tutors, multiple quality of life improvements, graphical and map updates, the return of the Old Amber fossil, and a new move: Giga Impact!

Changelog: Version 6.1


  • Trade evolutions couldn’t be triggered.
  • When visiting the Final Cave, the script for the Silph Warehouse Giovanni fight would be changed, erroniously triggering the battle if you went back to that map. To fix this if you have already been to the Final Cave, visit the Final Cave again.
  • Using Toxic could crash the game in certain situations (introduced in 6.0.1).
  • After getting the Pokédex Completion Diploma, going to Route 67 would trigger an unintended rival fight immediately.
  • Using Surf from the field moves list in the party menu to stop surfing corrupted the map due to a wrong function call that should have been updated.
  • Some overworld Pokémon became eggs in 6.0.1.
  • It is no longer possible to trigger item evolutions in battle (vanilla bug).
  • Psychic/Psywave/Night Shade’s animation doesn’t wiggle the top 3 screen lines (vanilla bug).
  • When switching out Pokémon, Counter could still hit as it uses the data of the last selected move. Fixed for both player and enemy.
  • Confusion damage was either physical or special depending on the last selected move’s attribute. It is now always physical.
  • Move relearner would crash if the Pokémon couldn’t relearn any moves.
  • Rod tiles when fishing weren’t being properly loaded.
  • Smoke tiles when moving boulders weren’t properly loaded.
  • Corrected collision error in Haunted Forest’s tileset.
  • Text speed was incorrect when using the Move Tutors.
  • Helix Fossil could be respawned after beating the E4 even before you get it the first time.
  • The wrong music would play after an in-game trade if riding the bike (possible inside gates).
  • In-game trades will show proper shinyness in the trade animation for both Pokémon.
  • On some edge sitations, spontaneous defrosting could crash the game.
  • On certain situations, the previous text could be briefly seen in the battle textbox when leveling up after capturing a Pokémon.
  • Pokémon can attack the turn they spontaneously defrost (enemy could, but player could not).
  • Previous text could be briefly seen after exiting the party menu when using a Move Tutor.
  • Eagulou Park Area 2 had an incorrect Victreebell surf encounter instead of the intended Poliwag.
  • Some Pokémon would appear as available via Super Rod at Gravel Town, but there are no fishing spots at Gravel Town.
  • Warps at Route 65 and Route 34 behaved as warpads instead of doors.
  • A collision issue allowed the player to push a boulder into elevated terrain at the Secret Cave.
  • A collision issue allowed the player to walk onto mountains from a carpet tile at Eagulou Park.

New Features

  • Improved Pokédex “Area” map to better differentiate the Grass|Cave/Surfing/Super Rod pages.
  • Added laptops (they act like a PCs) to the Final Dungeon rest zone and Rinjoh Peak Gates to avoid needless backtracking.
  • Some Rocket grunts are now female.
  • Added new Move Tutors: Giga Impact (Rijon League Lobby), Dark Pulse (Mr. Rumiko), Draining Kiss (Owsauri), Fire Blast (Rijon League Lobby) and Elemental Punches (new house at Castro Valley).
  • Move Tutors show the current money.
  • Move Tutors can now have different prices:
    • False Swipe P1000
    • Hyper Voice P8000
    • Giga Impact P8000
    • Fire Blast P9000
    • Elemental Punches P3000
    • Dark Pulse P3000
    • Draining Kiss P2000
  • Mt. Boulder B1F now has an itemball for TM14 (Blizzard). This will only appear on new savegames.
  • A new fossil item has been added: Old Amber. Revive it to get Aerodactyl.

Quality of Life Features

  • Player’s PC now shows the Bag and PC item count at the Withdraw/Deposit/Toss menu.
  • Party is healed after entering the Hall of Fame.
  • The Item Finder Bubble is now 3 times faster (shows for 20 frames instead of 60).
  • When entering the Haunted Forest, the Blackout/Dig/Escape Rope/Teleport is set to Botan City.
  • The Rocket that rewards the Helix Fossil will now give it after the battle, with no need to interact with him.
  • The Pokédex “page” is now kept when you exit, to make it easier to use. It will be reset when loading the savegame (back to the first entry).


  • Backsprites shown at the Hall of Fame animation hadn’t been updated to the latest versions.
  • The collectible orbs now have their own overwrold GFX.
  • A sleeping Noibat is now hanging on Owsauri’s Daycare.
  • Owsauri City Gym now has icy floor and rock graphics.
  • Mt. Boulder now has ice tiles and rocks.
  • Mt. Boulder 1F stairs leading to Eagulou now use the upstairs tile instead of the downstairs one.
  • Some bikes have been added to Jaeru City next to the Bike Shop.
  • Seneca Caverns now have more surfable water.
  • The Manager’s room at Silph Warehouse now has chairs surrounding the meeting table.
  • Minor update to International Tunnel and Silk Tunnel to accommodate better with Pokémon Prism continuity.
  • Minor background blending for carpet tiles throughout all tilesets and bikes at the bike shop.
  • Route 65 map has had some minor updates.
  • Route 56 now has an extra dock tile to prevent fishing from Eagulou City (this was possible due to map overlapping).

Move Changes

  • Spinarak learned “Nothing” at level 24 instead of “Poison Jab”. This also could cause a Move Relearner/Deleter menu glitch.
  • Champion’s team moves have been adjusted to better use the team’s stats.
  • Champion’s grass starter team rematch had one Pokémon with the wrong level.
  • Some of the Special Trainer’s Pokémon now know Giga Impact.
  • Joe’s team has been tweaked for the Gym Battle and rematch.
  • Raichu learned ThunderPunch at level 50 instead of Thunder.
  • Added a new move: Giga Impact. Works as a physical Hyper Beam.
  • Giga Impact has a new, custom animation.
  • Draining Kiss now restores 75% of damage instead of 50%.
  • Some Pokémon had their movesets updated.

Base Stats Changes

  • Koffing level 30 cap to evolve into G.Weezing has been removed.
  • Umberon and Espeon’s special base stat has been rebalanced (Umbreon 60->95, Espeon 130->110). (1)
  • Mankey, Primeape and Annihilape’s special stat has been slightly nerfed (1).
  • Jigglypuff’s special stat has been increased (1).

(1) Talk to the trading NPC at any Pokémon Center to update them (stats will auto-update on level up or PC deposit/withdraw).
Generation 1 doesn’t have separate Special Attack and Special Deffense base stats, so Gen 2 and onwards Pokémon have been given a special stat that approximates both in a single stat to the best of our knowledge.


  • Rinjoh Peak’s Snorlax is now level 40.
  • Corrected wrong warp at Rinjoh Peak – Illex Forest Gate.
  • Town Map at Route 58 gate incorrectly showed as “Route 59”.
  • Increased trainer levels for some trainers at Rinjoh Veloway and Route 34.
  • Jigglipuff can now be encountered at Route 50 and Route 51.
  • Machop can now be encountered at Route 55.
  • 30 Year Cave wild Pokémon are now stronger.
  • Surf and Super Rod encounters have been added to Owsauri City and Castro Forest.
  • Super Rod encounters for Owsauri Gym have been changed.
  • Ice Stone at Castro Valley changed to Water Stone.
  • Fossils are now longer Key Items. They can be sold for P30000.
  • Master Ball can be sold for P100000.
  • Route 65 guards now ask for the Sprout Badge and then the Sparky badge (so you need Marine, Hail and Sprout instead of Marine, Hail and Sparky badges to go to Seneca Caverns). This follows the Trainer Card and visited towns order.
  • Bugsy’s rematch now also shows a Star icon in the trainer card (2)

(2) If you already won against Bugsy, you’ll need to win against him again to have the Star icon show on your trainer card.

Text Updates

  • Fixed typo in Misdreavous and Slowking’s Pokédex entries. Annihilape and Sylveon’s Pokédex entries modified to fit in two pages instead of three (like all the other entries).
  • The Gym Guide at the Rijon League now points out the 30 year cave location as a good training spot (which it is, since the wild Pokémon there had their levels increased).
  • Prof. Tim Aide’s Item Finder description is now better and showcases the icon bubble for it.
  • Minor text updates.

Release: Pokémon Brown 6.0.1

The first hotfix of Pokémon Brown 20th Anniversary Edition!

We want to thank everyone who submitted bug reports via our form, and a special shoutout to our Discord community! This update includes 22 bug fixes and some other adjustments. We are also working on a small feature update that adds in some things that we didn’t have time for in the original release, so look out for that!

Changelog: Version 6.0.1

All the changes in the Pokémon Brown 6.0.1 Hotfix release.

Release: Pokémon Brown 20th Anniversary Edition

Twenty years ago, the first complete Pokémon Red mod to completely change the region and story was released. Since then, it has inspired thousands of creative visions, beautiful games, and kickstarted hundreds of careers. Today, we give the game its biggest update ever, and the love and care it deserves. Play the classic that started it all.

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