Changelog: Version 0.93, build 0164
- Attempt to fix the calendar/date system bugs that cause apricorns not to appear after a new month rolls over
- Torenia Pachisi board tiles now do what they say they do
- Routes 47 and 48 now should behave properly with regards to the bike
- Fixed a small potential bug with Spite
- Changed movement pattern of an NPC in the Pokemon Center in Goldenrod to not block the counter
Mechanic Changes
- Added wild Pokemon to Merson Cave, Tunod Waterway, Route 87 and other areas
- Added Swagger TM, replacing Fire Blast TM item (and added a savefile patch to restore the item ball if it was already picked up)
- Some changes to the RNG used for some events
Feature Changes
- Minor changes to one of the possible player overworld sprites
- SELECT can be used to sort items in the PC
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