
Speaking of refinements (late)

The website blog’s being melded back into the main site, meaning that the “rijonAdventures official site” is finished. The old site will still be up (but not updated – feel free to steal that layout for your own website if you’re still interested. Or, steal any of our older, uglier layouts for your own site.) The PokéCommunity’s rijonAdventures thread will also be updated with information seen in this blog.

Future updates will be posted here. Like this update I’m posting right now.

Lakes Entrance, South Rijon

Have you seen the new town in South Rijon? This is the first town you’ll come to.

Lakes Entrance is actually based a bit off the Victorian town of the same name. As such, it’s a town that’s far from the city and being the first town of South Rijon, it’s also a tourist area. (I forgot to put a Hotel in.) It’s got a beach and is known for Krabby fishing, too. (The real Lakes Entrance is popular because it’s abundant with crabs, mind you the crustacean kind, though they, unlike Krabby, are fished out, cooked and eaten.)

What more is there to South Rijon? I’ll reveal some information later on about it. Maybe.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The PokéCommunity thread linked here still existed but some of the original posts have been deleted, so an archive link has been included instead.

Merson Cave VERSION UP.

Drag the slider to compare!

Old Old
New New

Yes, I was fully aware that the old map was ugly and outdated compared to many of the new areas in the game. It’s good to refresh something every once in a while. (Especially since the map hasn’t been touched for years.)

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Definite while

Been a while since my last update (three months). Much too busy this year, though I’ve been doing things. I’m not dead!

A lot of things are worked on, never you worry. The project goal has been thrown off a fair bit, but in the process, I can make a whole lot of refinements to the game. And clean up my dirty work. Maybe I’ll be able to release a beta with all of the Rijon region accessible.

In the meantime, take a look one of the kinds of changes I’m making.

Apparently, the computer of the artist who’s working on rijonAdventures’ excellent art has needed a reformat. But, hopefully I can show you guys more art later on!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link. The images included with this post have been lost and only the thumbnails remain.

What is the Rijon region?

Map of the Rijon region

To those new to the Rijon Trilogy, you probably don’t know what the region of Rijon is.

Rijon first appears in Pokémon Brown. It consists of numerous cities. First, you probably should know where you start—Seashore City. Seashore is one of the cities in the southwest area of Rijon, known for many mountains and caves. Many cities and forests the west to the east areas of Rijon. The eastern area is particularly known for Castro Valley, which is a harbor town. The southern area of Rijon consists of the sea and nothing more.

Geographically in the Rijon Trilogy canon, Rijon is located south of Johto; there is a small island in Johto which connects to the region. West of Rijon is the Naljo region, which is featured in Pokémon Prism. And new to rijonAdventures is South Rijon, which is south of the Rijon region, accessible from Merson City.

There are a lot of things in Rijon that I’ll detail in later entries. Stay tuned!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

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