
Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0227


  • Fixed bug that would cause trade evolution Pokemon to spontaneously evolve after gaining a level in battle under certain circumstances
  • Spurge Bank now correctly handles balances above 1 million
  • Fixed NPC sprites in Castro Gym
  • Trade Stones now properly show whether they can be used or not
  • Fixed color glitch in Trainer Card badge screen
  • Minor text, map and event fixes

Mechanic Changes

  • Mean Look now works as expected
  • Minor accuracy fixes with Pickup’s out-of-battle effect

Feature Changes

  • Title screen now says “2017-2018 RainbowDevs”

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0226


  • Fixed bug that caused the “battle won” scene to repeat itself under certain conditions
  • Winning a trainer battle no longer caps your money at 999,999

Mechanic Changes

  • Status conditions are now healed between Battle Arcade rounds

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0225


  • Fixed some NPCs looking like the player (Botan City, Route 62)
  • Eggs no longer play a cry when deposited or withdrawn
  • Fixed Pink Bow’s description
  • Attempting to sell a large stack of items (total price above 999,999) no longer displays glitched characters

Mechanic Changes

  • Fixed Azumarill’s base stats (speed and special attack were swapped)
  • Fixed Belly Drum’s type and category data

Feature Changes

  • Expanded pack space:
    • Items pocket can now hold 40 stacks of items (was 30)
    • Key Items pocket can now hold 50 items (was 23)
    • PC can now hold 60 stacks of items (was 50)
  • Improved/reworked Town Map – now handles D-Pad usage significantly better
  • Max money raised to 9,999,999
  • Pokerus indicator is now a face, as in later generations
  • Slightly improved the RNG
  • Minor text and map fixes

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 223


  • Fixed crash when using a sleep-inducing move against an opponent with Mold Breaker
  • Fixed broken colors in menus when using Iron Pickaxe
  • Naljo Ruins’ roof now has the correct encounters
  • Minor text and map fixes

Mechanic changes

  • Hidden Power now deals damage as intended, instead of reusing the previous attack’s stat and move power values
  • Salamence now learns Storm Front via TM
  • Gliscor now learns Fly via HM

Feature changes

  • Minor adjustments in Route 55 (some grass removed)
  • Provincial Park minigame now properly handles a full PC box

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 222


  • Fixed data decompression issues that were causing visual glitches and crashes when displaying certain Pokemon pictures

Mechanic changes

  • Rayquaza now learns Storm Front via TM

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 221


  • Fixed Perish Song crash
  • Colored switches in Milos Catacombs now say the color they are when pressed
  • Southerly City gym leader now plays the proper pre-battle animation and victory music
  • Orphan Card now displays correctly point counts of 10,000 and above

Mechanic changes

  • Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres can now enter the Battle Tower
  • Bagon now learns Dragon Dance via breeding

Feature changes

  • Southerly City’s Stamina Challenge now saves your prize if you don’t have enough room in your pack to pick it up
  • Laurel Lab scientist now accepts fossil donations (as a way of getting rid of unwanted fossils)
  • Slightly improved Dusknoir’s back sprite

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 219


  • Battles with NPCs no longer cause crashes (introduced in previous build)
  • Abilities are now back to normal (bug introduced in previous build)

Mechanic changes

  • Altered how abilities of NPCs’ Pokemon are determined

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 218


  • Avoid potential bugs with Flame Body or Magma Armor coming from last build’s egg-hatching-related fix
  • Minor visual updates and bug fixes

Feature changes

  • Improved graphics and layout in Oxalis Gym
  • Battle Tower and Battle Arcade shops now sell stacks of items

Changelog: Version 0.94, build 0217


  • Various crash screen-related errors and crashes fixed
  • Printing a PokeDex entry no longer causes the game to crash
  • Route 49 cannot be entered without a bike, as intended
  • Iron Pickaxe should no longer create purple-colored screens when used by female players
  • Pokemon received via events will now have the correct held items even when sent to the PC
  • Fixed bug where deducting PP from a move (due to using it in battle) would also reset PP Ups
  • Fixed Groudon’s Pokedex entry

Mechanic changes

  • Continued Moveset fixes
  • Arcanine and Vulpix now learn Body Slam via TM
  • Lunatone and Solrock now learn Cosmic Power via TM
  • Gliscor now learns Dark Pulse via TM
  • Hitmontop and Jigglypuff line now learn Dig via TM
  • Buneary line and Torkoal now learn Double Team via TM
  • Sylveon now learns Endure via TM
  • Cacnea and Chimecho now learn Energy Ball via TM
  • Spiritomb now learns Flash via TM
  • Onix now learns Flash Cannon via TM
  • Sableye now learns Ice Punch via TM
  • Graveler, Golem and Togekiss now learn Metronome via TM
  • Feebas line now learns Protect via TM
  • Magby and Spiritomb now learn Psychic via TM
  • Moltres now learns Sandstorm via TM
  • Slowbro now learns Seismic Toss via TM
  • Gliscor now learns Sky Attack via TM
  • Zubat and Golbat now learn Sludge Bomb via TM
  • Togekiss now learns Sunny Day via TM
  • Feebas line and Sylveon now learn Swagger via TM
  • Mewtwo and Snorlax now learn Thunder via TM
  • Slowking now learns Thunder Wave via TM
  • Spearow line now learns Tri Attack via TM
  • Ho-Oh now learns Will-O-Wisp via TM
  • Porygon now learns Zap Cannon via TM
  • Void Sphere now has 15 PP
  • Ghost Hammer now has 85 power, 100% accuracy and 15 PP
  • Naljo Fury now makes STAB moves deal 250% damage (was 300%) while in Naljo and in link battles or battle facilities
  • Do note that link battle functionality is still being worked on and is non-functional currently
  • Pokemon with Flame Body or Magma Armor now speed up egg hatching even when not at the top of the party
  • Burnt Berries are now sellable and tossable, preventing someone from being stuck with them
  • Volbeat and Illumise can now generate each other via breeding

Feature changes

  • Move info screen now labels power as ‘Pow’, not ‘Atk’
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