Congrats to @Koolboyman for being involved with the upcoming game Monster Crown by @crowns_dev! It's a great feeling seeing you involved, and we wish both you and the project the best of luck!
Anyone are interested in a unique twist on the vs monsters genre should check it out!
Sorry for the silence! The team has been hard at work on some new secret things that we can't wait to share. Here's a teaser image of what's to come, and I'll make an effort to update here more often and reply to each of your comments.
To all of our Trainers out there exploring the vast world of Naljo, Rijon, and beyond – thank you! Happy Pokemon Day to everyone! Share your favorite screenshots or memories with us (especially if they involve Prism)!
Any copies of Prism being sold are incomplete and should not be bought. Many events also depend on a working RTC, which bootlegs do not have. Only the new Everdrives and BennVenn's retrofits work.
We are exploring options in the future for carts, but as of now do NOT buy these.