Dev Blog

General blogging about our games.

You are challenged by Gym Leader Miis!

The one thing I hate about Miis are the lack of exotic/unusual hairstyles (and anime hair colours). Oh well.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

The awesomeness (this is opinion) of this pic brings the slaughter to SPAM

News: rijonAdventures is not dead. Now onto updates you might not actually be interested in:

So apparently I haven’t been doing enough to curb SPAM, so instead you get this picture to feast on rather than look at ads of crap that nobody wants.

Hope to set up a forum and use it for the comments system. It’d probably be better than WordPress’s default system because integration is delicious. In fact, I’ve gone and bought forum software (borrowing others’ is not fun) but that won’t see the light of day yet. Maybe I’ll open it up so that you guys can comment on stuff.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

It’s Clock Day!

Don’t ask. Just put some strawberries in a blender, add milk, add clockworks and have fun. 🙂 Watch out for the eventual rijonAdventures beta at some point of which I haven’t actually thought about the date for and its obscure references to this monumental day.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Well here’s something new

Do you like what I see? That’s all you’ll see of it… for now.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.


Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Horray for glitches!

This weird error surfaced in rijonAdventures and I need to get it fixed. But yeah, that’s a known glitch for you all to know. 😛

To multi-select Pokémon in a box, you press the SELECT button to change the cursor into quick select mode. You then press and hold the A button over the Pokémon you want to select. Normally, the Pokémon highlight in red, but here they disappear!

This feature exists in FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. You will probably also have spotted it in Pokémon Box.

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

Play your own hack, and see others do it

So, I’ve added quite a bit of stuff to rijonAdventures since the early 2009 beta. A year ago I said, “Rijon is finished, time to move onto South Rijon”, but oh was I wrong. So many little things to fix and add, text inconsistencies to iron out, high school, uni, uni, and so many annoying little things that I did that just look bad.

Yes, reviewing how your own hack looks and works is a good idea. But a good hack doesn’t just start from my own assessment of my game – it depends on what others say about it.

So I’ve been stalking the “Let’s Play” videos on YouTube. Found this guy:

(I hope he realised he needs to fix that save error. Methinks I need to make it more obvious. And another thing: I realise it’s a year old.)

I also stumbled across this video of Brown from the same person. Orangeylicious!

Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.

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