Fixed bug that caused the “battle won” scene to repeat itself under certain conditions
Winning a trainer battle no longer caps your money at 999,999
Mechanic Changes
Status conditions are now healed between Battle Arcade rounds
Fixed some NPCs looking like the player (Botan City, Route 62)
Eggs no longer play a cry when deposited or withdrawn
Fixed Pink Bow’s description
Attempting to sell a large stack of items (total price above 999,999) no longer displays glitched characters
Mechanic Changes
Fixed Azumarill’s base stats (speed and special attack were swapped)
Fixed Belly Drum’s type and category data
Feature Changes
Expanded pack space:
Items pocket can now hold 40 stacks of items (was 30)
Key Items pocket can now hold 50 items (was 23)
PC can now hold 60 stacks of items (was 50)
Improved/reworked Town Map – now handles D-Pad usage significantly better
Max money raised to 9,999,999
Pokerus indicator is now a face, as in later generations
Slightly improved the RNG
Minor text and map fixes
Fixed crash when using a sleep-inducing move against an opponent with Mold Breaker
Fixed broken colors in menus when using Iron Pickaxe
Naljo Ruins’ roof now has the correct encounters
Minor text and map fixes
Mechanic changes
Hidden Power now deals damage as intended, instead of reusing the previous attack’s stat and move power values
Salamence now learns Storm Front via TM
Gliscor now learns Fly via HM
Feature changes
Minor adjustments in Route 55 (some grass removed)
Provincial Park minigame now properly handles a full PC box
Fixed data decompression issues that were causing visual glitches and crashes when displaying certain Pokemon pictures
Mechanic changes
Rayquaza now learns Storm Front via TM
Fixed Perish Song crash
Colored switches in Milos Catacombs now say the color they are when pressed
Southerly City gym leader now plays the proper pre-battle animation and victory music
Orphan Card now displays correctly point counts of 10,000 and above
Mechanic changes
Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres can now enter the Battle Tower
Bagon now learns Dragon Dance via breeding
Feature changes
Southerly City’s Stamina Challenge now saves your prize if you don’t have enough room in your pack to pick it up
Laurel Lab scientist now accepts fossil donations (as a way of getting rid of unwanted fossils)
Slightly improved Dusknoir’s back sprite
Fixed crash related to Gold Token marts
Battles with NPCs no longer cause crashes (introduced in previous build)
Abilities are now back to normal (bug introduced in previous build)
Mechanic changes
Altered how abilities of NPCs’ Pokemon are determined
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