Dear Journal, It’s finally the day I tour the region of Rijon. I’ve been looking forward to this day for many years.
It’s been twenty years since my dad fought in a battle with who was once his toughest adversary for Rijon’s champion title. The two are now the best of friends.
And from today, I’ll be the one embarking on a big journey for which I’m sure to enjoy. As I walk through it, I hope to meet lots of new friends. Those friends may help me reach my sole aspiration – becoming the Pokémon League Champion!
That may mean though, that I will not write in my journal. Without a doubt, though, I’ll have lots of things to write about when this journey comes to an end!
So here’s to a great adventure!
So, you’ve been playing with the Wii on the morning you’re going to go. Get off your bum and start moving!
Hail the green directions. They tell all.
So, the story’s quite… normal, I guess. It’s not going to be so simple as the game goes by, (because you won’t be collecting just eight badges). But, that’s all to be detailed later!
Originally posted on the old Rijon website, now offline. Archive link.