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Crafting new authentic content with unexpected twists.
RainbowDevs are collective of passionate Gameboy developers with decades of experience.
We are coders, artists, musicians, designers, and every position in-between — crafting new stories and worlds for everyone explore while pushing the boundaries of classic, retro hardware. Everything we do runs on original, classic hardware, as our passion for the original games and worlds runs deep.
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What is the Rijon region?
- March 30, 2008
To those new to the Rijon Trilogy, you probably don’t know what the region of Rijon is. Rijon first appears in Pokémon Brown. It consists of numerous cities. First, you probably should know where you start—Seashore City. Seashore is one of the cities in the southwest area of Rijon,...
Pokémon Mart stock
- March 28, 2008
A trainer always goes from every town to get items. However, what if you backtrack to a town and their items are not really what you’re looking for? Actually, it happens all the time. So, what’s funny is, that I thought of this idea before I saw it actually...
Merson City Hot Springs
- March 15, 2008
Let’s face it; no Japanese-style hotel (in Merson City!) is complete without hot springs! And there’s one way to get into them; through the Hotel! This area is not available in the public beta. There’s a small oversight that may allow you to access the exterior suites and the...