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Crafting new authentic content with unexpected twists.
RainbowDevs are collective of passionate Gameboy developers with decades of experience.
We are coders, artists, musicians, designers, and every position in-between — crafting new stories and worlds for everyone explore while pushing the boundaries of classic, retro hardware. Everything we do runs on original, classic hardware, as our passion for the original games and worlds runs deep.
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Gym Leader campaign… again!
- October 8, 2009
You’ve heard of “Challenge Leaders” before, but the whole concept hasn’t really been explained that much. I’ve actually ended up calling them “Gym Leaders” again, but the entire concept behind them remains the same. What are they, exactly? Rachel and Chad are two Gym Leaders of… South Rijon. That’s...
Speaking of refinements (late)
- October 5, 2009
The website blog’s being melded back into the main site, meaning that the “rijonAdventures official site” is finished. The old site will still be up (but not updated – feel free to steal that layout for your own website if you’re still interested. Or, steal any of our older,...
What’s this?
- September 21, 2009
This is very clearly a blog – and it’s a work in progress as part of a nice visual and technical refresh. We’ve upgraded to WordPress! And we’re missing tons of content! (I mean to fix this.) So while we’re getting prepared (and this time I’m actually ready to...