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Crafting new authentic content with unexpected twists.
RainbowDevs are collective of passionate Gameboy developers with decades of experience.
We are coders, artists, musicians, designers, and every position in-between — crafting new stories and worlds for everyone explore while pushing the boundaries of classic, retro hardware. Everything we do runs on original, classic hardware, as our passion for the original games and worlds runs deep.
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Latest News
Release: Pokémon Prism 0.95
- July 18, 2023
3 years. It’s certainly been one heck of a gap. I’m super pleased to say that your patience has been rewarded with our biggest update ever! This is Pokémon Prism 0.95.
Hey, we have other games
- May 1, 2023
Did you think Prism was the only thing we’re working on? 😏
New Rijon Battle track!
- April 6, 2023
Check out this new, remixed track for Rijon trainer battles by Monstarules in the next Prism update!