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Crafting new authentic content with unexpected twists.
RainbowDevs are collective of passionate Gameboy developers with decades of experience.
We are coders, artists, musicians, designers, and every position in-between — crafting new stories and worlds for everyone explore while pushing the boundaries of classic, retro hardware. Everything we do runs on original, classic hardware, as our passion for the original games and worlds runs deep.
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Anniversary Crystal Distro Card 4: -?
- August 17, 2016
A real beast best described by our own Revo as simply, “critical hit”, Leech King is back in his full glory! Enjoy, uh, leeching the crap out of your opponents or something. As with the other distribution codes, all of our distributed Pokemon from previous runs have been brought...
Anniversary Crystal Distro Card 3: AAAAAtttta
- July 29, 2016
He’s back, with a vengeance! Originally from our first playthough of Crystal, our strong LAZOR GATOR makes his return as a member of your own team! As with the other distribution codes, please see the PCC located in Goldenrod City after you have acquired 16 GYM Badges to receive...
Hit that reset button!
- June 29, 2016
The World of Rijon is seeing a makeover! A new design is only the start to some very big changes happening to the Rijon trilogy. Because of some issues with the old site, we’ve quickly gotten onto fixing the whole site up. We’re not done with the design — the...